Cuba Photo Essay: Twelve images from our Riveted Kids travel experience in Cuba. These images in particular were demanding to be shown in black and white. These were all taken with a Fuji XT-1 using either a 16mm lens, or a 50-140mm lens. All photos where processed in Lightroom and Photoshop.
Connecting to the Internet in Cuba – Not Easy
Is there internet in Cuba? Yes, but it isn’t always easy! Here’s an overview of how to connect to Wi-Fi when you are in Cuba so you can get those vacay pics to Grandma. I realized how much I take always being connected for granted when we were in Cuba. It is good to shake things up.
The Trip That Changed My Life
On the car ride from the South London bus station where all of us exchange students dispersed to our home stay families for the week, I’m pretty sure Danny had only said hello. Though with his thick Devon accent, I wasn’t totally sure. He seemed big for a sixteen-year-old – and I thought I was […]
La Vida Cubana: Chirino’s Taxi Songs
“My friends say I’m a singer who drives a taxi. My band says I’m a taxi driver that sings.” Chirino, our driver, didn’t hold back. Flying westward down the gritty highway towards Viñales, Cuba, we were in a 1990’s diesel Peugeot. The radio played a recording that Chirino had made with his band – a […]
Cuba Facebook Love
Cuba is transitioning fast with technology. And Cubans are just like the rest of us – they want to stay connected to their friends, family, and the world. In Cuba Facebook rules. Because I work closely with media and technology, I’m fascinated by how technology is being used where we travel. What are the patterns? How is it different? Traveling the country for two weeks, here are four observations that stood out for me…